
You can stop living paycheck to paycheck and build personal wealth.

Message from our CEO

We don't have to live paycheck to paycheck.

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If you understand the pitfalls, you can avoid them. You can fix them.

At any income level, you can take charge of your financial life, live debt free, build wealth, even own and pay off your own home.

You will have to break some habits you may not even know you have and replace them with new ones.

These new habits will enable you to set yourself up for a worry-free financial life. Forever.

With the DECISIONS/DECI$ION$ Financial Wellness program, you'll learn how to take control of your financial happiness!

Eight Steps to Financial Freedom

Engaging, proven, real-life content that you can apply immediately.


Making better decisions is critical.

  • Seven Consequential budget reduction guides
  • Planning Guide
  • Case study of overspending and recovery
  • Avoiding and minimizing “Consequential Costs”
  • Ideas to increase income.
Handling Credit

How do credit and interest really work?

  • Your Complete Debt Picture
  • Change Your Debt-behaviors.
  • Negotiate
  • Consolidate
  • Balance Transfer
  • Become Debt-free: Payoff Plan
  • Cascade to Eliminate Debt
  • Manage Your Credit Score
  • Increase Your Income
Home Ownership

Owning a house makes money 7 ways.

  • Rent goes up, mortgages don't.
  • When rates drop, lower your payment.
  • Save on income taxes.
  • Build equity with every payment.
  • Your house will go up in value.
  • Live rent free for life after 15 years.
  • Save over a million dollars versus renting.
Savings & Investment

You should have an investment account.

  • Save hundreds of dollars per month with simple lifestyle changes.
  • 2% Savings account interest is not enough.
  • IRAs are good if you select the right investments. 
  • Bonds and annuities can be safe but have higher fees.
  • Stocks and mutual funds average higher than 7%.
Services of a Bank

Visit your banker to save money every year.

  • Individual Banking
  • Business Banking
  • Digital Banking
  • Loans
  • Traditional vs. Online Banks
Buying Insurance

Cheap insurance can be a disaster.

  • Car Insurance
  • Home or Apartment Insurance
  • Health/Dental Insurance
  • Life Insurance
  • Bundling Insurance
  • How to Buy Insurance
Income Taxes

Save hundreds or thousands each year:

  • How can Adjustments & Deductions reduce my Taxable Income?
  • What Tax Rate determines how much I owe?
  • Reduce taxes with Tax Credits.
Social Security

What is Social Security?

  • How do I Qualify for Social Security?
  • When to Start Taking Social Security?
  • How can Retirees, Spouses, Widows, Widowers, and Dependents Collect Social Security?
  • What should You know about Medicare?

With the DECISIONS/DECI$ION$ Financial Wellness program, you'll learn how to take control of your financial happiness!

Take Control of Your Financial Future

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I received a wealth of information about things that I did not know from these sessions, especially about investing at a young age.

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Thank you for the legacy I believe I'm going to  be able to leave for my children.

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I'm very grateful for the homeowners, learning about equity and what to do and what not to do.

With the DECISIONS/DECI$ION$ Financial Wellness program, you'll learn how to take control of your financial happiness!